UE4 动态读写DataTable数据表

1. Overview
DataTable数据表在UE4中是一类重要的资产(Asset),截至ue4 v4.25版本,引擎内置的函数并不支持运行时(Runtime)修改DataTable表,所以写下本教程,讲解如何在ue4中实现动态修改DataTable数据表。如下图所示函数,由于其功能和ue4内置的DataTable编辑脚本(EditorScript)相同,所以仿照源码取了相同的函数名称,但以下蓝图节点在打包之后仍然可以调用。
2. Introduction
DataTable数据表在ue4开发中应用广泛,特别是,在进行数据驱动开发时具有举足轻重的地位;但是ue4引擎暴露出来函数中,能够对DataTable表进行编辑的函数却特别少,其中还有一些函数被WITH_EDITOR宏包裹着,属于编辑器脚本 (Editor Script),无法在项目打包之后调用。要想对DataTable进行更多样的操作,只有自己创建c++函数来实现动态读写DataTable功能。
* Empty and fill a Data Table from CSV string.
* @param CSVString The Data that representing the contents of a CSV file.
* @return True if the operation succeeds, check the log for errors if it didn't succeed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Editor Scripting | DataTable", DisplayName="Fill Data Table from CSV String")
static bool FillDataTableFromCSVString(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& CSVString);
* Empty and fill a Data Table from CSV file.
* @param CSVFilePath The file path of the CSV file.
* @return True if the operation succeeds, check the log for errors if it didn't succeed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Editor Scripting | DataTable", DisplayName = "Fill Data Table from CSV File")
static bool FillDataTableFromCSVFile(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& CSVFilePath);
* Empty and fill a Data Table from JSON string.
* @param JSONString The Data that representing the contents of a JSON file.
* @return True if the operation succeeds, check the log for errors if it didn't succeed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Editor Scripting | DataTable", DisplayName = "Fill Data Table from JSON String")
static bool FillDataTableFromJSONString(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& JSONString);
* Empty and fill a Data Table from JSON file.
* @param JSONFilePath The file path of the JSON file.
* @return True if the operation succeeds, check the log for errors if it didn't succeed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Editor Scripting | DataTable", DisplayName = "Fill Data Table from JSON File")
static bool FillDataTableFromJSONFile(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& JSONFilePath);
#endif //WITH_EDITOR
3. Why
(1) 为什么需要动态读写DataTable?
(2) 实现动态读写DataTable的原理?
从ue4 源码DataTable.h和DataTableFunctionLibrary.h二个类中不难发现,DataTable支持动态读写操作的,其中UDataTable::CreateTableFromCSVString()和UDataTable :: CreateTableFromJSONString()二个函数尤其值得注意,这二个函数并未被WITH_EDITOR宏包裹,也就是在非编辑器模式下,仍可被调用。而二种函数中的输入参数CSVSting和JSONString既可以通过本地磁盘文件获得,也可以使用HTTP网络传输的数据来获得。所以在获得CSVString/JSONString之后,调用这二个函数,即可实现向DataTable中写入数据。
* Create table from CSV style comma-separated string.
* RowStruct must be defined before calling this function.
* @return Set of problems encountered while processing input
ENGINE_API TArray<FString> CreateTableFromCSVString(const FString& InString);
* Create table from JSON style string.
* RowStruct must be defined before calling this function.
* @return Set of problems encountered while processing input
ENGINE_API TArray<FString> CreateTableFromJSONString(const FString& InString);
从DataTable的Editor Script不难看出DataTable可以逆序列化为CSV文件和JSON文件,以下GetTableAsCSVFile方法将DataTable每个数据转换成String类型,按照CSV文件格式保存成CSV文件。
4. Approach
(1) 以UBlueprintFunctionLibrary为基类,创建C++类,该类的.h文件,主要代码如下:
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "Engine/DataTable.h"
#include "GenericArrayLibrary.generated.h"
// Declare General Log Category, header file .h
* Empty and fill a Data Table from CSV string.
* @param CSVString The Data that representing the contents of a CSV file.
* @return True if the operation succeeds, check the log for errors if it didn't succeed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, DisplayName = "Fill Data Table from CSV String", Category = "DataTable")
static bool FillDataTableFromCSVString(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& CSVString);
* Empty and fill a Data Table from CSV file.
* @param CSVFilePath The file path of the CSV file.
* @return True if the operation succeeds, check the log for errors if it didn't succeed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, DisplayName = "Fill Data Table from CSV File", Category = "DataTable")
static bool FillDataTableFromCSVFile(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& CSVFilePath);
* Empty and fill a Data Table from JSON string.
* @param JSONString The Data that representing the contents of a JSON file.
* @return True if the operation succeeds, check the log for errors if it didn't succeed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, DisplayName = "Fill Data Table from JSON String", Category = "DataTable")
static bool FillDataTableFromJSONString(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& JSONString);
* Empty and fill a Data Table from JSON file.
* @param JSONFilePath The file path of the JSON file.
* @return True if the operation succeeds, check the log for errors if it didn't succeed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, DisplayName = "Fill Data Table from JSON File", Category = "DataTable")
static bool FillDataTableFromJSONFile(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& JSONFilePath);
/** Output entire contents of table as CSV string */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, DisplayName = "Get Table As CSV String", Category = "DataTable")
static void GetDataTableAsCSVString(UDataTable* DataTable, FString& CSVString);
/** Output entire contents of table as CSV File */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, DisplayName = "Get Table As CSV File", Category = "DataTable")
static void GetDataTableAsCSVFile(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& CSVFilePath);
#include "GenericArrayLibrary.h"
#include "HAL/PlatformFilemanager.h"
#include "Misc/FileHelper.h"
#include "DataTableUtils.h"
声明Log Category
//Declare General Log Category, source file .cpp
bool UGenericMiscLibrary::FillDataTableFromCSVString(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& CSVString)
if (!DataTable || (CSVString.Len() == 0))
UE_LOG(LogUtiliesNode, Warning, TEXT("FillDataTableFromCSVString -> Can't fill DataTable with CSVString: %."), *CSVString);
return false;
// Call bulit-in function
TArray<FString> Errors = DataTable->CreateTableFromCSVString(CSVString);
if (Errors.Num())
// It has some error message
for (const FString& Error : Errors)
UE_LOG(LogUtiliesNode, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Error);
return false;
return true;
bool UGenericMiscLibrary::FillDataTableFromCSVFile(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& CSVFilePath)
FString CSVString;
if (FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile().FileExists(*CSVFilePath))
// Supports all combination of ANSI/Unicode files and platforms.
FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(CSVString, *CSVFilePath);
UE_LOG(LogUtiliesNode, Warning, TEXT("FillDataTableFromCSVFile -> Cannot find CSV file %s"), *CSVFilePath);
return false;
return UGenericMiscLibrary::FillDataTableFromCSVString(DataTable, CSVString);
bool UGenericMiscLibrary::FillDataTableFromJSONString(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& JSONString)
if (!DataTable || (JSONString.Len() == 0))
UE_LOG(LogUtiliesNode, Warning, TEXT("FillDataTableFromJSONString -> Can't fill DataTable with JSONString: %."), *JSONString);
return false;
// Call bulit-in function
TArray<FString> Errors = DataTable->CreateTableFromJSONString(JSONString);
if (Errors.Num())
// It has some error message
for (const FString& Error : Errors)
UE_LOG(LogUtiliesNode, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Error);
return false;
return true;
bool UGenericMiscLibrary::FillDataTableFromJSONFile(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& JSONFilePath)
FString JSONString;
if (FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile().FileExists(*JSONFilePath))
// Supports all combination of ANSI/Unicode files and platforms.
FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(JSONString, *JSONFilePath);
UE_LOG(LogUtiliesNode, Warning, TEXT("FillDataTableFromJSONFile -> Cannot find CSV file %s"), *JSONFilePath);
return false;
return UGenericMiscLibrary::FillDataTableFromJSONString(DataTable, JSONString);
void UGenericMiscLibrary::GetDataTableAsCSVString(UDataTable* DataTable, FString& CSVString)
CSVString = FString();
if (!DataTable || (DataTable->RowStruct == nullptr))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("UGenericMiscLibrary::GetTableAsCSV : Missing DataTable or RowStruct !"));
// First build array of properties
TArray<FProperty*> StructProps;
for (TFieldIterator<FProperty> It(DataTable->RowStruct); It; ++It)
FProperty* Prop = *It;
check(Prop != nullptr);
// First row, column titles, taken from properties
CSVString += TEXT("---");
for (int32 PropIdx = 0; PropIdx < StructProps.Num(); PropIdx++)
CSVString += TEXT(",");
CSVString += StructProps[PropIdx]->GetName();
CSVString += TEXT("\n");
// Now iterate over rows
for (auto RowIt = DataTable->GetRowMap().CreateConstIterator(); RowIt; ++RowIt)
FName RowName = RowIt.Key();
CSVString += RowName.ToString();
uint8* RowData = RowIt.Value();
for (int32 PropIdx = 0; PropIdx < StructProps.Num(); PropIdx++)
CSVString += TEXT(",");
CSVString += DataTableUtils::GetPropertyValueAsString(StructProps[PropIdx], RowData, EDataTableExportFlags::None);
CSVString += TEXT("\n");
void UGenericMiscLibrary::GetDataTableAsCSVFile(UDataTable* DataTable, const FString& CSVFilePath)
FString CSVString;
UGenericMiscLibrary::GetDataTableAsCSVString(DataTable, CSVString);
if (CSVString.Len() == 0)
FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(CSVString, *CSVFilePath, FFileHelper::EEncodingOptions::ForceUTF8);
5. Usage
/** Comment */
struct FYourCppStruct : public FTableRowBase
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "YourCppStruct")
int32 IntegerValue;
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "YourCppStruct")
float FloatValue;
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "YourCppStruct")
FString StingValue;
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "YourCppStruct")
FTransform TransformValue;
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "YourCppStruct")
TArray<int32> ArrayValue;
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "YourCppStruct")
TSet<int32> SetValue;
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "YourCppStruct")
TMap<int32, FString> MapValue;
**特别提醒:此结构体必须在c++中定义,**原因在于Cpp Struct和BP Struct在反射和继承等特征上并非是等价的,。
6. Conclusion
本文主要介绍了ue4中动态读写DataTable表方法,实现了CSV/JSON格式数据直接写入DataTable中功能,同时也支持将DataTable数据表导出成CSV数据,完全可以满足对DataTable数据表的动态读写操作。不足之处:将DataTable导出成可读性更高的JSON文件 (Get Table As Json File) 没有完成。